BorderLAN has helped hundreds of Districts with Erate firewalls, switches, caching. As a SPIN approved vendor, BorderLAN can help Districts with Erate coverage, quotes, implementation, and IT Staff training.
Federal money helps districts afford needed equipment but can also open up a school to the challenge of deploying a new firewall with advanced features and policies that many IT administrators are either not trained to do, or have not time to implement. With Hundreds of successful deployments, BorderLAN can work with your IT staff to plan the swap to a Erate firewall with the least downtime and provde the District with the best experience.
Erate is a federal reimbursement program for K12 Districts that provide certain student safety measures. The program incentivizes Districts to expand their network, firewall, Internet equipment, and services to provide a better and safer learning environment for children. Percentages of federal Erate reimbursement vary by District based on available funds, and the conditions of the Erate program. Get your consultation today!
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